Early Learning Professional Consultations
Are you ready to elevate your teams early childhood practice to new heights? With over 18 years of rich experience, I've led multiple teams to exceed the National Quality Standards. Armed with a Master of Education, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table. I can help you achieve your goals in a way that feels good for everyone. No boring PDs found here! Your learning experience is my key priority because as Rita Pearson once said, "people don't learn from people they don't like". Every workshop or coaching session is delivered in a way that is engaging, easy to digest and collaboratively FUN!
As a certified Circle of Security facilitator and a practitioner trained in primary caregiving approaches, Marte Meo practices, ECERS-E, and SSTEW scales, I offer a comprehensive toolkit to transform your professional journey. My passion lies in Attachment Science and Relational practices, and my superpower is making the complex feel refreshingly simple. Feedback speaks volumes – professionals find me relatable and knowledgeable, an expert who's as approachable as I am skilled. Let's co-create a learning experience that will reshape your early childhood narrative.
The Brain Behind Behaviour - The Masterclass
Understanding and Responding to Children's Emotions Effectively
Young children are hard to understand at the best of times, let alone when their behaviour makes no sense. Join me as we explore emotional rollercoaster of the young brain and empower yourself with the perspective and knowledge to ride it with confidence!
Ready to level up your practice?
I know you are committed to moving your early childhood centre to be a leader in the sector but sometimes it can feel like a lonely and isolated job! You feel like you are taking 2 steps forward and 1 step back. I can help you gain the momentum you've been looking for.
Whether you need ideas to help bring your burnt-out team back to life, want to be known for high quality relationships, or are keen to embed a primary caregiving model, we’ll work on it together. This is a bring what you need, tailored to you service.
GOOD FOR: Early Childhood leaders or educators who are ready to tackle challenges and create a better environment for little learners.
Coaching & Mentoring Inquiry
Who it's for: Teams that don't do boring.
Does your team groan at the thought of another dull, dry professional development course? If you’re looking for someone who does PD differently (by that I mean makes it fun!) you’ve found her - it’s me! I lead engaging, collaborative, and easy-to-digest workshops for you and your team without a yawn in sight.
Browse whats on offer for 2024
An Introduction to Circle of Security
Don't have time to complete the whole course but you're curious to know more about what everyone in the sector is talking about? This workshop let's you dip your toe in the water but still has a huge impact.
You know relationships are central to early years settings. The Circle gives you a clear, powerful framework to know what, why, and how children might be feeling and needing however they are behaving.
Relationships with the Brain in Mind
- What are respectful relationships with children & why are they so important?
- Relationships grow brains. How interactions shape the brain
- Circle of Security as a way to understand children’s attachment behaviours
Fostering Emotional Intelligence
- A workshop focussed on co regulation as a relational approach to behaviour
- The value of tears and how to respond to them.
- How the brain drives emotions and how it wants us to respond
- The ART of “being with” emotions
Respectfully Guiding Behaviour
- How neuroception effects our responses to children ‘s tricky behaviour
- Introduction to RIE principles of respect
- Guiding behaviour through relationships
Three pillars that drive behaviour
This workshop is designed for educators who are feeling "stuck" when it comes to behaviour. Unpack the 3 pillars that drive much of the behaviour we see in ECEC
- Physiological needs
- Attachment needs
- Sensory needs
When we understand that behaviour doesn't require punitive consequences rather an appropriate response to legitimate needs our approach is transformed
Making Learning Visible in the classroom
How can we use relationships and documentation processes to Make Learning Visible?
Making the learning visible within the classroom benefits everyone, children, educators and families. There is so much more to MLV then an art display and learning story pinned up on the wall. This workshop is designed to unpack the potential of MLV and provide creative ways to represent the wonderful learning that occurs in your classrooms
Mealtimes - Making Meal times Meaningful
When I ask educators what the toughest part of their day is, the answer is often the transition from lunch to rest time. This workshop breaks down what makes mealtimes meaningful, how to maximise learning opportunities, and offers practical strategies to do just that. Whether you run a whole group or progressive meal routine, it's not about one being better than the other—it's about how well they’re organised to support children’s needs."
This version keeps your relatable tone and adds a clear focus on the workshop's value without the fluff. How does this feel for your workshop marketing?
Tailored Workshop
My expertise is relational pedagogy. I promote messages that align with slow, relationship focussed practice. My super power is being able to tailor a workshop on any ECEC topic and have it founded in these core values. Use the form below to tell me your pain point and I'll be in touch with my magic wand
Workshop Enquiry Form
You know relationships are central to early years settings. The Circle gives you a clear, powerful framework to know what, why, and how children might be feeling and needing however they are behaving.
Young children learn in the context of significant relationships and as educators, you have a pivotal role in meeting children's attachment needs.
This course offered online and in person, will support you and your team to move beyond traditional behaviour-focused approaches in your centre and recognise how attachment needs manifest in behaviour.
WHO IT’S FOR: Educators dedicated to nurturing meaningful relationships with children.
Price: $399 p/p ($350 p/p for groups over 10)
7 WEEK Certified program supported by SRF funding

Assessment and Rating Preparation
Elevate your early learning center to new heights with Elise's Assessment and Rating Consultancy. Let us help you not only meet but exceed the National Quality Standards